Reward: Access to next level of the Simulator
- Single Enemy: Defeat A Single Enemy (Blaster Sentinel).
Simulator Basics: Second Challenge Set (10 Challenges).
Reward: 10 Gold
- Single Enemy: Defeat A Single Enemy (Generalist - Blackheart).
- Multiple Enemies: Defeat Multiple Enemies (Infiltrator - Bowman, Blaster - Dark Hawkeye).
- Replication: Fight multiples Green Goblin (Scrapper - Green Goblin x2).
- Score Challenge: Win with a score of over 45000. Simulator multiplier is x10 (Blasters - Hooligan x2, Crimson Dynamo).
- Solo Fight: Fight with only one hero (Infiltrator - Elektra)
- Restrictions: Attacks no longer apply statuses. This includes Shields and Healing (Scrapper - Militant x2, Tactician - Tactical Force)
- Hazards: Team takes burning damage each round (Blasters - Hydra Judicator x2, Dragoness)
- Restrictions: Only Blasters may be used (Bruiser - Hydro-Man, Tactician - Mystique, Madame Masque)
- Timed Fight: Win in 4 rounds or less (Tactician - Kang)
- Boss Rush: Face off against 9 enemies (Wave 1 Blaster - Crimson Dynamo, Bruiser - Hydro-Man, Tactician - Moonstone; Wave 2 Tacticians - Kang, Bullseye, Infiltrator - The Hood; Wave 3 Blaster - Dragoness, Scrappers - Green Goblin, Executioner)